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Every Student, Life Ready
The mission of Riverton CUSD #14 is to create a supportive environment where we inspire and challenge our students to reach their highest potential.
Riverton CUSD #14 Special Education
Melissa Killam, Special Education Administrator
(217) 786-3250 EXT. 149

Riverton Community Unit School District 14 provides district-wide support to building staff and our community regarding the education of students with disabilities. District 14 supports the intent of federal and state mandates to meet student needs in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) possible. In meeting the requirements of LRE, our school district continues to embrace inclusive instructional practices, which are designed to provide accommodations and/or special education services within the context of the general education setting to the greatest extent possible. While a continuum of services and programming is available within the district, membership in a student’s general education classroom is highly valued.
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